I loved reading this Blythe! So healing 💕

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Thank you Danusia! I am glad that it resonated with you. ❤️

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A late happy 52nd birthday! What a magical day!

I realized early in my life that I didn’t like birthday parties (or surprises) and have usually planned my own days or have created an event to honour the day but shift the focus to someone else. My favourite thing really is to be mostly alone on an adventure with someone I love.

The demand of a birthday being so special was exhausting to me from the very start.

Now I know to just make my day full of small magics. I usually find myself some local art from a few artists, and splurge (as my mother would say) and support someone else and their creativity with my birthday money.

I so love that you’ve found a birthday celebration style that works for you!

Reading about your birthday processing really helped me think about the ways I’ve approached birthdaying in my life.

As always I so appreciate your perspective and am so very glad you exist!

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Thank you Wake! I am impressed that you were so self-aware of what you liked and disliked surrounding birthdays. What a gift! The pressure to be something resembling a Hallmark card or movie can be exhausting. As with so many other things, I am done with that. Simple, quiet and sweet birthdays are the way to go. I am glad that you found your groove. Thank you for your comments and I am grateful that you are here!

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Jun 29Liked by Blythe Edwards

Happy Birthday, Blythe! I always celebrate my birthday with 3-4 days of doing things I enjoy because that way I get the weather to cooperate for at least one hike. I turned 61 on June 16th! Gotta love a June birthday 🥳

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Happy Birthday, Blythe 🎊🥳🎈The photo of you is so precious!! It sounds like you have a restful and wonderful day out in nature. I would also have chosen pride or prejudice

Forest bathing sounds divine and beautiful way to spend your birthday or any day, please. I use to have a rule of swimming in the sea before sunrise on my birthday and kept that ritual till I moved a little further from the sea. And now I just celebrate my birthday for the whole month and I still demand a cake, hahaha!

The photo of you in nature is also very beautiful and what a view 😍 enjoy the rest of your week 🌼

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Thank you Susan! Swimming in the swim sounds lovely, on a birthday or any day. I do miss swimming. Since my kiddos are older, we no longer seem to go to the nearby lake. I need to add that to my summer list. Celebrating for an entire month sounds perfect. When's your birthday? Soon I hope.

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Jun 27Liked by Blythe Edwards

As I commented in your last posting, Happy Birthday again, Blythe!!! (oh to be 52 again, he says) :-)

And, like Jennifer comments here, I too only have 2 Substacks - yours and one other person's (whom I assume you know, since we both comment there as well). I just want to say that in fact it is I who wishes to thank YOU for allowing me to be a regular part of your journey here on Substack, sharing in your thoughts, interests and activities. It always makes for interesting reading.

Enjoy your day, my friend.

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Hi Rob! Thanks again for the birthday wishes! Your kind thoughts made me smile. Lately, it feels like I have penpals that I'm writing to. It is easier than writing just for the sake of writing. I think I will bring back the practice of handwritten letters. That is an art that is passing away. I used to write to my friends and parents while away at college. There is something special about receiving mail. Enjoy your weekend!

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Happy Birthday, Blythe!!! You know what is interesting, I only have about 3 or 4 Substacks I really take the time to read (and that includes my husband's). :) Yours is one of those. I always feel like I can relate to what you are writing - and bam this one again! My birthday is on July 6. I will be 51. I have the same past with birthdays and the decision for this year... it is up to me to decide. You are awesome and always an inspiration! Thank you for sharing your wisdom through your writing!

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Thank you for your birthday wishes and the thoughtful comments. Happy early birthday. I can't wait to hear what YOU decide to do. Tell everyone it's your birthday so you can be treated like a Queen. We all deserve some special attention...even if it only comes on once a year. I do think there is so much power in choosing and deciding. I am trying to lean into that more and more.

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Happy Birthday 🎉🎈🎁 I love that idea. Less pressure to choose everything for one day. 🤨It’s great to hear from you. ❤️

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