Oh! This is beautiful. Last night we saw the Flower Moon, it was cradled in a nest of clouds. I love the moon, and have moved to a place where the moon and the ocean meet. Last night my partner and I exclaimed joyfully at the moon sparkling through the clouds in a way I’d never seen before. I love that the moon continues to surprise me and that I never once have looked at the moon and taken it for granted.

Thank you for this writing. I’m looking so forward to sitting in the yard at the back of our home to see what things are growing there and to help transform it into a more wilded version of itself.

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That is a treat to gaze at the moon over the water. I remember a trip to the beach during a hurricane. Afterward, the stormy clouds parted to a full moon. Magic indeed. I love looking at the moon in the sky, especially when I am away from home. That is one thing we all share. Enjoy!

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Hi Rob!

Thank you for reading and sharing your memories and thoughts. My father-in-law found numerous arrowheads in the dirt while he was playing and planting the garden. I am curious to learn more about the tribes that lived and traveled through this land. The Cherokee National Forest abuts our land, but I don't know more than that. It is fascinating to me to imagine how other people lived here. There are many native plants and flowers, but I do crave some other bushes and plants to add more color. There is a lot of green! We do have wild strawberries, but they are so tiny that I usually pop them in my mouth. Delicious! Enjoy your weekend and flowers.

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This is such an inspirational post for me Blythe. Thank you for sharing 🙏

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Hi Blythe !

I just finished listening this morning to your latest newsletter. I find that it helps me as I simultaneously read your words on my monitor as I listen to you as you speak them.

My interest was peaked a bit when your first started your newsletter by mentioning that the name Flower Moon has its origins in various Native American tribes. When I was a kid I was informed that I had 1/8 Iroquois Indian in my past heritage, on my mom's side. So perhaps some of my distant ancestors used to honor the moon and its various phases throughout the year. Who knows, eh?

Speaking of flowers, your are quite fortunate to have many wild flowers growing around where you live. Here, in the big city, we try to populate our yards with store-bought perennial flowers as well as those that we exchange with friends and neighbours. They certainly do brighten up our surroundings.

I also read about how you would harvest blackberries. Again, when I was young, my buddies and I used to go out into the woods, located behind our parents' houses, and go pick wild strawberries. Lots of hours of fun.

Thanks again for sharing your day again with us readers.

Take care.

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