I love this post. I'm so glad you made it to Italy. Like you, I'm trying to find lightness in my life and heart again. It's hard during dark times.

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Thank you, Barbara, for reading and commenting! It seems to be a common thread these days. I think all the noise, confusion and drama make it even more important to strive for lightness. During my meditation practice, I sit and imagine a golden light surrounding me. I take that light out with me and shine it brightly towards others. It is something small, but it brings me hope and joy.

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Wonderful idea, Blythe. Thank you.

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Hi Blythe !

You write:

"Instead of pushing, planning, and controlling my day, I chose to align myself with something different. I looked for small ways to bring more of this easy, breezy attitude into my day."

No truer words were ever spoken, my friend. Despite the worries, fears, doubts, tensions, and at times despair that we all might experience in our lives, from time to time - the odd Hurricane notwithstanding, this is a daily mantra (among others) that I too try to live by. Right now, due to some health issues, it's proving tad difficult but we all have to make the effort to make it happen as much as possible- agree? Fortunately I also live by another mantra "Time heals all wounds". 👍

So take care my friend and I'm happy to read that you folks enjoyed your trip to Italy.

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Hi Rob! Sorry for the late response. 😊 My time on my computer has been limited these days. Thank you for your lovely comments. Hopefully, you are feeling better and recovering quickly. I'm impatient when it comes to healing and recovery. I want to continue to go at my pace and do what I like to do. Breaking my toe and nursing a bum knee has taught me that "time heals all wounds." Wise words. I am trying to remember that I can not control the speed sometimes. Take care and rest up.

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Blythe, I love how you honed in on one feeling/motto and saw how it was possible to incorporate into life at home as well as on your trip to Italy. My favorite quote: "The goal was never to become someone else but to uncover a part of myself that was there all the time." So profound!

I can relate to wanting to feel lighter, flexible, and full of joy. Someone recently introduced me to The Desire Map by Danielle Laporte and one of my core desired feelings is "light" -- to feel light and to try to be a light in others lives. I write it down in my journal every morning and already feel it creeping into my daily actions.

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Thanks for sharing Carrie! 😊 The book intrigues me...I'll have to check it out. I think there is power in affirmations and intentions. I honestly thought they were hokey years ago, but working with them daily can make a profound change. I don't think it is the words themselves as much as the act of showing up with them. I love that you are writing that down in your journal every day. Magic indeed. We could all use more light in our lives and with one another. Thank you for shining your light. ❤️

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